If you are interested in serving on the Board and/or are a regular patron at one of these branches and interested in representing your library on the Board, please contact us at info@arlingtonlibraryfriends.org
Board of Directors
President: Claire Christian
Vice President: Jane Posner
Treasurer: Natalia Lanteigne
Secretary: Laura Porter
Aurora Hills Representative:
Central Library Representative: Rob Hizon
Cherrydale Representative: Kate Summers
Columbia Pike Representative: Andrew Goodwin
Glencarlyn Representative: Laura Porter
Plaza Representative: Jamie Krovontka
Shirlington Representative: Barbara Adde
Westover Representative: Jane Posner
Immediate Past President: Kelly Fado
Immediate Past Treasurer: Judy Kindell
At Large:
Todd Ludeke, Volunteer Coordinator
Jamie Krovontka, Membership Manager
Brittany Robertson
Board Meetings
The Board meets the first Monday of the month at 7pm. If the first Monday is a holiday, we meet a week later on the second Monday.
The Board mets via Zoom and on occasion in-person. If you are interested in attending a Board Meeting please email info@ArlingtonLibraryFriends.org and we will forward you a Zoom link and password 24 hours before the meeting begins.
Our Annual meeting is in July and at our Annual Meeting, all members vote for President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary of the Board. Thank you to Quincy Hall for hosting our 2024 Annual meeting.
Board Bios